The percentage of women in the workforce steadily increased until about half of women worked at least part-time.
Many women returned to the home as housewives, although some worked part-time.
Women were encouraged to work in factories and offices to take the place of men at war.
The Equal Pay Act (EPA) mandated that men and women in the same job must be paid equally.
The chief executive officers of the Roman Republic were the consuls and praetors. Two consuls were chosen annually and they administered the government and led the Roman army into battle.
On 366 BC, a new office was created , that of the praetor. The praetor could govern Rome when the consuls were away from the city and could also lead armies. The praetor's primary function however was the execution of justice. He was in charge of the civil law as it applied to Roman citizens.
Cecily Gyles was born on the year of 1928