The king and Parliament viewed the colonies as production factories for the crown. They were not seen as British citizens.
has become fashionable in some circles to run down post-apartheid South Africa. This occurs not only in those sections of the media that believe African success is a contradiction in terms but also, more surprisingly, in quarters that strongly supported our transition to democracy and drive towards social justice. The Guardian's columns have not been exempt from criticism: Chris McGreal delivered some intemperate parting shots when he finished a 12-year stint as a southern Africa correspondent. We take such criticism seriously, but also find it inadequately based in fact and reality.
Take HIV/Aids. The latest survey by South Africa's human sciences research council confirms a UNAids report that shows falling levels of HIV infection among young South Africans. Prevention messages about condom use, abstinence and faithfulness are being taken to heart, especially by young people.
Should be the State Department.
Georgia officials ignored the court's decision, President Andrew Jackson refused to enforce it, and Congress passed the Indian Removal Act of 1830 to facilitate the eviction of tribal members from their homes and territory. Removal was implemented by 7,000 troops commanded by General Winfield Scott.