In economics a demand is defined as the quantity of goods and services that customers are capable to buy and that they find desirable to buy at a particular price for that period of time .
Demand is dependent on the customer's needs and wants each customer may have different things that they consider to be needs to them and those they consider as just wants.
This also depends on affordability, if one doesn't have the money to buy the product then the demand isn't effective.
When the price of the product rises usually it's demand decreases and vice versa when the price fall the quantity of that product demanded will increase.
Answer: A. Ways a person can become a US citizen.
Further detail:
- Anyone born within the borders of the United States is considered a US citizen by birth. This is even true if the parents of the child born in the US are not citizens. Being born on US soil is a way a child is considered a US citizen. This has become a matter of some contention in recent years, as some opponents of illegal immigration accuse immigrants of coming across the border to have a baby just so that baby can have US citizenship.
- If either of a set of parents are US citizens, a child born to those parents is also a US citizen, even if you were born in a foreign country. So if parents are stationed overseas or traveling, and a birth occurs outside the United States, that child still has US citizenship.
- For those not citizens by being born on US soil or to a US citizen parent, applying to become a naturalized citizen is the path for pursuing citizenship. On the website, you can find a full desciption of "How to Apply for US Citizenship" and the naturalization process.
Your friend's words represent an injunctive norm.
Hope that helped :)
Also maybe add the choices so people aren't as confused :)