Phycologist in every subfield draw on and contribute to knowledge from other subfields.
i believe it is tied knots, since they had to memorize messages and run it across a trail
Thank you for posting your question here. It can be considered to be consistent with the given facts. As you know, an hypothesis, much less a theory, is never proven. It can be shown to be consistent with given observations. As new observations are collected, the given hypothesis may have to be modified.
If the celery became crisp when it was soaked in ice water, then clearly that the water has rehydrated the celery is a reasonable hypothesis. But did it have to be ice cold water? Would room temperature water work? What about boiling water?
And thus most of the time, the success of an hypothesis leads to the design of new experiments to test and expand the original hypothesis.
The sound of thunder up above, crashing repeatedly, makes the natural landscape beautiful.
The answer is: state governments
When the immigrants come into united states, they will settle on the states and will most likely have to settle to find a job in that states.
Because of this, the number of employment in that states could be threaten if the increase in the amount of workers far surpassed the increase in the amount of job opportunities. The state government would be the one that is responsible to bear such challenge.