I think climate change can be either fake or real. I do believe temperatures are rising, but if you look at the history of the earth, it's gone through many ice ages and changes, so I would assume that it is no big deal. There is no evidence that temperatures are rising at a deadly rate, but weather has been unpredictable for a while now. Then again, these are my thoughts on climate change, so I'm not sure if I'm right or wrong. Hope I gave some useful information!
They are unicellular
All plants beside seaweed (algae) are multicellular; they are made up of more than one cell.
Seaweeds are unicellular; they are made up of only one cell.
A chain of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds and having a molecular weight of up to about 10,000.
A peptide that yields two amino acids on hydrolysis.
A person had
her tonsils removed and developed throat cancer. The two events are related
because the tonsils contain lymphocytes that may have killed the cancer cells Tonsils
are made up of soft tissues. Tonsils are located near the throat.