V = √P*R
It doesn't really do anything active wise but it is used to reduce current flows, adjust signal levels, and to divide voltage.
The right code is,
secondWord = sentence.substr (sentence.find ("`") + 1);
secondWord = secondWord.substr (0, secondWord.find ("`"));
This statement would be TRUE
II and III only
In Code segment II, the output of the array will be started form arr[0] and ends at the arr[length]. Because loop starts from 0 and ends at length of array. This will print the full array data.
In code segment III, the output will be all values of array as loop starts form first index and ends at last index.
On the other hand I code segment prints all array values except last value of the array. As the loop shows that, it will terminate at second last value of the array.
It entirely depends on the language you are using to implement this.
But generally by the rule of scope, "result" will return null since get() was not defined to accept any argument, and it neither know the global "x" not defined it's own x in the function.