As the leaf surface area decreases ; Number of leaves increase inmost plants.
As the leaf surface area increases, the rate of transpiration increases as well because leaves with large surface areas have bigger stomata. also the smaller the leave surface area of a plant/tree the denser the leaves the plants/tree will have.
Trees with tiny leaves tend to have a lot of leaves because of the decrease transpiration rate occurring in the leaves of the plants .
Hence we can conclude that what generally happens to the number of leaves as leaf surface area decrease is number of leaves increases in most plants.
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Answer: Starch did not diffuse through the membrane because the starch turned blue due to the presence of iodine in the dialysis bag
The possible result of the founder effect would be loss of genetic variation. The reason why this is so is because by definition, the founder effect is often considered to be the cause for a essened genetic variation in a specie or a certain area where organisms thrive.
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