Yes, it’s possible. The genetic that they give out to their children depends. If the parents gives out the genes for colorblind for the daughter but not the son, it’s possible.
It’s just like having a child with disabilities and another child that is perfectly healthy.
To understand food chains and food webs, we must start with where the energy begins. Sunlight is energy, and plants use this energy to turn water and carbon dioxide into plant food. This process is called “photosynthesis”. Plants also need minerals and nutrients. They get these from the soil when their roots take up water. While this might not sound like the kind of food you would want to eat, this plant food allows plants to grow, flower, and produceproduce things like acorns, potatoes, carrots, apples, pecans, and many other kinds of fruits.
Because plants make so much energy, they are called “producers”. Their ability to use sunlight to make food makes them a very important source of energy for other living things. Think about all the animals that eat plants. Wow, it's mind-boggling! Now, think about all the places that plants grow. From the oceans to the deserts to the mountaintops, plants can be found nearly everywhere basking in the sunlight and making their own food. And wherever plants grow, animals that depend upon them are sure to be found.
This question lacks options, options are:
B) aldosterone
C) atrial natriuretic hormone
D) oxytocin
E) prolactin
The correct answer is B.
Women have a tendency to retain water during part of the menstrual cycle because estrogen mimics the action of <u>aldosterone</u>.
The female sex hormones produced by the ovary (estrogens and progesterone) are substances that, through the blood, will carry messages to all the organs of the female genital system (uterus, tubes and ovaries) to achieve their correct function. Aldosterone concentration normally increases at the time of ovulation and remains elevated during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Women present during the premenstrual phase, compared to the luteal and follicular phases, an increase in body weight, due to an increase in fluid retention, this because the menstrual cycle modulates the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. High levels of estrogen and progesterone in the mid-luteal phase are associated with a greater increase in adrenal and renal hormones and retention of more volume.
Arteries are blood vessels responsible for carrying oxygen-rich blood away from the heart to the body. Veins are blood vessels that carry blood low in oxygen from the body back to the heart for reoxygenation. Arteries and veins are two of the body's main type of blood vessels.