its B. An analogy that compares the strength of the union to individual acts of patriotism
Industrial Revolution marked a. Of development and the latter half of the 18th century that's transformed largely rural, agrarian Societies in Europe and America into an industrialized Urban ones
Goods that had once been painstakingly crafted by hand started to be produced in mass quantities by machines in factories
the ultimate goal of Hitter's final solution was to kill every Jew in Europe
Answer: the Marshall plan was made in a effort to rebuild europe after WW2. we paid europe all kinds of money in order to help rebuild
the Nuremberg trials were a series of trials on Nazi High command about their "crimes against humanity"
the United Nations is a coalition of all nations designed in an effort to solve the world's problems
Simply true. Political unrest in Deutschland (Germany) and famine in Éireann or Éire (Ireland) is most likely what caused this outbreak of immigration.