Just because somebody is opposing to your vews doesn't mean you have to threaten them with violence. you first response to something should not be anger but a way to push your beliefs so others can learn and understand and not be harmed because your emeotions get the best of you.
Well the other guys answer is technically right their a few more details to it. The league of nations was also another attempt to stop further wars between various groups in the world. They didn't want another Holocaust or world war to happen so it made it that all nations would turn on one nation or nations if they did go rogue and attack.
lower prices.
Lower prices.
The more the production, the more will be supply of the goods. So, according to the basic law of supply and demand the prices would go down.
<em><u>Samuel Morse</u></em></h2>
Telegraph was the device invented by Samuel Morse and other inventors in 1830's and 1840's. It revolutionised long distance communication and worked by transmitting electrical signal by a wire laid between two stations.
Samuel Morse also developed set of dots and dashes for each alphabet of English language so that complex messages could be transferred via telegraph lines. Samuel Morse sent the first telegraph between Washington D.C to Baltimore in 1844. By 1866, telegraph lines had been laid between Europe and Atlantic.