1. children you only use 2 fingers
2. adult its 30 chest compression to 2 breaths, children its 15 to 2 have to use a different size mask for a child
The answer is 2 because the other ones dont calculate
Poor diet: eating foods high in fat, or sugary sweets can increase risk for gout. Untreated hypertension, diabetes and heart conditions Obesity is also a great risk factor. Medications that are given to treat hypertension such as thiazides can increase risk for gout. Family history can also cause increased risk, as well as age and sex. Males are at ahigher risk for gout than females and develop it earlier on whereas females usually are at a higher risk after menopause.
Cereal companies are blamed for putting too much sugar into their products, which causes obesity. This is bad for them, as it would stop people from bying their products. So they would have an interest in study showing that this is not the case: the study would be a self-interest study (the correct answer) and therefore not be reliable