Promoted trade and introduced new culture practices.
Islam has great impact on west African culture because it promoted trade between West Africa and the Mediterranean regions. The religion developed and expanded the trans-Saharan Caravan trade. Due to this trade, West African people get economical stability. Due to Islam, they adopt many new practices which is now part of their African culture so in short religion of Islam put a great impact on West African culture.
<span>the fear and terror of this text is expressed in almost the whole excerpt.from the beginning where the text has repetition of the words that day"that day,that day of wrath.repetition is emphasis to show how t he happenings are still fresh in the singers mind.also the words that are used like wrath,calamity,misery,terrible bitter to describe the day indicates fear and terror in the singers voice.</span>
Answer I'll tell you later
<span>During the adolescent stages in life, things seem so much bigger than they are. You can view that in the positive light or the negative to be honest. As a child, you see your siblings as another human who lives in your home with you, eats the same food, breathes the same air, loves the same parents as you. You fight over the remote control and wrestle with one another over a small toy you both insisted on needing at the same time. Within the next breath, you sit next to them and talk about your day, ask them to defend you from a so called friend who uses your kindness for weakness as your sibling reminds you of why you are so imortant in this life and deserve to be noticed for that... Swingsets, bike rides to the store, a companion who is always there to listen about how mom and dad "just aren't fair!"
Fast forward to 30 years old. Life interferes with the time spent together, the playtime becomes few and far between and the bike rides are a distant memory. The things that stay though...those are very similar to my first statements on childhood with them. The love, support and time spent doesn't need to disapear. It turns into a mature type of love. You call one another every few days to check in. Make a coffee date to catch up on her latest life experience and remind them that you are always here. Those bike rides though? Now you can take them together with your own children.</span>
Los Artículos de la Confederación y la Unión Perpetua, conocidos como los Artículos de la Confederación, constituyeron el primer documento de gobierno de los Estados Unidos de América. Fueron aprobados por el segundo Congreso Continental el 15 de noviembre de 1777, después de varios meses de debate. Fue una directriz no obligatoria hasta su ratificación cuatro años después, el 1 de marzo de 1781. Los Artículos de la Confederación son considerados uno de los cuatro documentos fundacionales de la nación norteamericana.
Los Artículos formaron una confederación débil que unía a las Trece Colonias británicas norteamericanas, con la capacidad de gobernarse casi solamente en tiempos de guerra y emergencias. Tras el fin de la Guerra de Independencia y el comienzo de nuevas prioridades, sus limitaciones se hicieron evidentes. Este documento fue reemplazado por la Constitución de los Estados Unidos después de su ratificación el 21 de junio de 1788.