<u> D. He's too afraid of her to say anything else.</u>
The boy made an incomplete statement “yes'm.” indicating that he's too afraid of Mrs. Jones to say anything else after been caught trying to steal her purse.
However, as the story progresses Mrs. Jones’s was nice to him, instead of trying to call the police, because she felt empathy remembering that she had experienced the same situation before.
The correct answer is A positive correlation
Explanation: A positive correlation indicates that the two variables move together, and the relationship is strong the closer the correlation gets to one. A negative correlation indicates that the two variables move in opposite directions, and that the relationship also becomes stronger the closer to minus 1 the correlation becomes.
Correct answer is In the East China Sea is an island country known as Taiwan. Its capital is Taipei. It is a Chinese speaking country.
It is a rather small country, with a large population of more than 23 million inhabitants. Political status of the country is very peculiar as China considers Taiwan part of its own territory. Taiwan is also known as economical giant, having developed in last couple of decades.
Vietnam, a one-party Communist state, has one of south-east