The correct answer is option d. "a and b".
Plenty of methods had been developed to estimate the body size of dinosaurs such as the gigantic Sauropods. One of the first estimations that paleontologists used was the Archimedes principle, consisting in dunking the entire skeleton of a Sauropod into a pool of water and measure the water displacement or more precisely small dinosaur models. However this method requires the preservation of almost the entire skeleton. A more used and useful method is to measure the length of the legs from the hip to the foot and using a 2/3's power relationship convert that to a mass. This method is more used since it only requires a couple of leg bones, which are often well preserved.
Long-term storage of information of a living thing.
Vestigial structures. These are structural elements that once served a purpose but as the organism evolved now serves no purpose.
His conclusion is correct. We are overpopulated. Our planet cannot stand double the population it currently has. Waste for one thing is an unsolvable problem with 14 billion people on the planet. We are already in massive trouble with 7 billion.
But the moral principle involved is not correct. Laws have been set up that prevents us from killing each other off. Holocausts have solved nothing but that we are capable of mass murder. The population problem and all it's side effects have not been eradicated.
The Bible records God's attempt at doing what Thanos wanted to do. He saw immediately after the flood that was not the answer. Too many people is one thing. Murdering half is no answer that will work.