Poor Huck was in the same state of wretchedness and terror, for Tom had told the whole story to the lawyer the night before the great day of the trial and Huck was sore afraid that his share in the business might leak out, yet, notwithstanding Indun Joe's flight had saved the suffering of testifying in court.
The above is the correct sentence from the excerpt that actually show that Tom and Huck are both afraid of Joe.
From the excerpt, we discover that Tom's night were nights of horror. This is because Indun Joe infested his dreams. Then we see that the same thing was happening to Huck. Tom and Huck were in the same state of wretchedness and terror.
The above answer shows that both Tom and Huck were both afraid of Joe.
The speaker believes that the tourists only felt obligated to visit these historic places. They were not ready to truly appreciate and reflect on the true meaning of these sites.
Lines 7-11 of the poem
<em>tourists who would rather be </em>
<em>somewhere else </em>
<em>but who wait here on stairs</em>
<em>so steep they must rise </em>
<em>to some occasion</em>
Anne Frank was a Jewish girl who hid in a house with her family during the Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazi's were millions of Jews were killed. Van Gogh was a famous artist known for his painting but who would later take his life at the young age of 37.
The tourists visited these two historic sites without having any deep emotional attachment to the plight of these people. As soon as they were done with Anne Frank's house, they were hurrying off to the Van Gogh museum where they would still not have deep attachments to.
Items advertised for sale in the Want Ad Digest in the Capital District include cars, trucks, appliances, musical instruments and electronics. The Capital District refers to the area around Albany, the capital of New York State. This region is comprised of 11 counties and includes the cities of Schenectady and Saratoga Spring
The narrator feels as if they are sick,and if she/he got on the bus they will feel humiliated. Insted a couple of friends in her/his class was with the narrator, Ms.Gruwell was the only one who could talk to her/him about anything,and talking to her/his friends made the narrator feel completely better.