This is an example of the menu costs
Menu costs are costs that firms incurr when they have to update their prices constantly. The may have to print new catalogs, new menus (hence the name). If the business is online, the will have to update the database, and the website. Bookeeping will become more difficult as well.
This also causes problems for customers, who do not know what prices to expect, and might be discouraged to buy. Besides, the inflation rate could be so high, that customers could simply be unable to buy things, since their money might have lost most or all of its value.
Question isn't complete, explanation below
Answer and Explanation:
a. Terminal value: a terminal value is one that is mostly desired by a person in itself
b. Instrumental value: an instrumental value is something that is a means to an end. Valued because of what it helps one get.
c. Norm: a norm is a social guideline that defines behavior in a social group. They are usually unwritten practices that is expected of each group member.
d. Organizational citizenship behavior: organizational citizenship behavior are positive attitudes and behaviors of employees in an organization outside of their formal job requirements or description that further enhance their job performance.
e. Organizational commitment: a person who has organizational commitment to his organization is emotionally and psychologically connected to that organization in a way that he feels a natural bond to it.
f. Positive mood: positive mood is affectative state of mind that is characterized by positive emotions such as joy, happiness etc
g. Negative mood: negative mood is opposite of positive mood and is defined by negative emotions such as feeling miserable. Negative mood makes it hard to process information as against positive mood.
Coat and arms Ecuador is the sleeves that's on the coat
Nepali architecture or Nepalese architecture is a unique strain of art and practicality. Situated in between the trade routes of India, Tibet and China, Nepali architecture reflects influences from both these cultural strongholds. ... Mugal style, summit style, dome style also have great scope in Nepal.
They are the place of historical and cultural importance. They represent livelihood of people, tradition, culture, civilization, and originality. They symbolize the craftsmanship of our ancestors and how people used to make the art and architecture in early days.