Typical workplace conditions faced by factory workers in the 1800s includes 12-hour work days, few safety features or considerations, and little job security due to a large labor force. In fact, factory workers do not rest at all. The conditions were very bad during the Industrial Revolution in 1800s. Many workers died due to overfatigue.
In 1902, Britain wins the South African War and takes over the Transvaal.
Imperialism is one country forcibly asserting its political will onto another, often through invasions or wars.
For example, guerrilla and small battle tactics are the same in both wars alongside difficulties in training the citizens to fight themselves against the enemy's too.
Slavery was incredibly divisive because the Us was expanding into the west, and each new state had to decide whether it was going to be "slave" or "free", so there was no middle ground in terms of how the extension of slavery would unfold. This led to the Civil War.