Once India gone, they lost a major source of revenue using which they were using to rule the other colonies. Moreover, India's freedom acted like a catalyst for them to demand freedom. Pretty soon the British had to lose the colonies too, reducing the once mighty kingdom to a humble island.
Probably the most sustained effect was the way India earned freedom - lead by Gandhi and other leaders. It showed the world that a war could be fought spiritually also, without violence. It inspired the leaders elsewhere in the world, most probably Martin Luthar King and Nelson Mandela being the most prominent.
Answer:The north of the U.S. was considered to be more advanced because they had a lot better technology and they were more on the industry side, where as the south did agriculture
The best response for the nurse would be to tell exactly how long the stimulant will take to affect his serum cholesterol serum. By which of calculating how long the stimulant takes to get to the blood stream then multiply by the patients heart beat then convert to hours
The use of the Pacific Ocean for trade and commerce is one big reason to consider Hong Kong and San Francisco as part of the same region. In addition, many current and former residents of Hong Kong feel a special kinship with San Francisco's Chinatown.