It took place in Puerto Rico and Cuba, I believe.
Conflict is characterized as a distinction of opinion about ideas or
desires, interest and concerns. The conflict arise between two or more people
such as couples, peers, political governments. There are seven (7) categories
to identify conflict.
1.Relationships – This conflict occurs between friends
and family member or even with your special someone. This conflict arises due miscommunication,
negative emotions and disagreements.
2.Interests – This conflict describe as
disagreement between two or more people or groups. This arises where the needs
of one are ignored over the needs of the other.
3.Values – This occurs when two groups/person has
different cultural and religious background or views. This arises when one
person enforce to believe his own set of values.
4.Leadership – This conflict occurs usually in a
work place. Every individuals has its own leadership and management styles. For
instance, if a leader encourages feedback and opinions of others or is more
autocratic or directive in style.
5.Personality – This conflict usually occurs in
school, home and work. Emotion and perceptions had play a large role on this
conflict. For instance, if you don’t like your boss because of his/her attitude
towards everyone this may cause conflicts.
6.Style – This arise when a group of people has different
styles in completing a task. Like for example, you and your team has different
styles in achieving such goals. Or you may be task oriented while your team are
most likely to be creative.
<span>7.</span>Ethics – This conflict can be defined as an
external factors influencing a decision. Like for instance, breaching
confidentiality is considered as unethical.
New and improved tools and technologies exist that help prevent inadvertent shock and electrocution hazards with underground energized utilities, including Non-conductive tools, Non-conductive backhoe buckets, Ground penetrating radar, Underground 3-D imaging.
Electrocution is defined as the death or serious harm brought on by electric shock from the body's electrical current.
Contact with electrical sources, such as malfunctioning machinery, contact with power lines, and inappropriate extension cable usage can all result in electrocution. High voltage is carried by power lines that are both overhead and subterranean. Simply staying away from electrical lines is the simplest strategy to prevent electrocution from them.
To learn more about electrocution here
To learn customs of native peoples