#Write a function called "scramble" that accepts a string #as an argument and returns a new string. The new string #should start
with the last half of the original string #and end with the first half. # #If the length of the string is odd, split the string #at the floor of the length / 2 (in other words, the second #half is the longer half). # #For example: # scramble("abcd") -> "cdab" # screamble("abcde") -> "cdeab" # scramble("railroad")) -> "roadrail" # scramble("fireworks")) -> "worksfire"
Create a function called scramble that takes one parameter, s
Check the length of the s using len function. If the length is odd, set the index as the floor of the length/2. Otherwise, set the index as length/2. Use index value to slice the s as two halves
Return the second half of the s and the second half of the s using slice notation (s[index:] represents the characters from half of the s to the end, s[:index] represents the characters from begining to the half of the s)