SODIS is a method of purifying water using clear plastic bottles and natural sunlight.
The UV rays produced by the natural light kills any bacteria, virus, or other harmful substances.
Plano, Texas is their headquarters.
My mother tongue is Spanish and the mantilla, the peineta and the gilet are the traditional dresses wearing in our family.- The mantilla is a traditional Spanish veil piece that is often worn during religious celebrations such as Spanish weddings etc. San Juan also known as Saint John's Day that occur every year on the eve of the 23rd of June, Spain celebrates the arrival of summer and the birth of St John the Baptist.
Dragons are legendary creatures in Chinese mythology such add turtles and fish. But I can't find how many there actually are sorry
Marigold was a psychologist who loved to study the abilities of human memory in remembrance of important events in her life. He preferred to take the test developed in it, where on a card, she wrote an event importing, and behind it, the date and level of importance. Every time she performed these tests, she needed to think about her ups and downs, and that makes her a bit depressed.