Read the excerpt from the Haida creation myth. "Not yet, brother,” said Tâne. "Let me try.” The god of forests and birds wedged
himself between Rangi and Papa, his back to Papa and his against Rangi. Using his legs, he began to move the way trees grown in the forest. Read the excerpt from the Maori creation myth. But in Raven’s travels, he saw that there was no one to take care of the earth. He landed on a beach and stopped to think about how to solve this problem. Nearby, he saw a huge clam shell—it seemed to be making noise! These excerpts are examples that both cultures value which character quality? the ability to overpower others the ability to find creative solutions the ability to work independently the ability to discover hiding places
The word idea starts with a vowel and the adjective needed shouldn't also end with a vowel. And in this case, you can't use a because it's a vowel. So, you use an.