If one force is pulling, and one force is pushing, no. The object will not move.
Resource partitioning.
Some species avoid competition by coexisting with a different species, which benefits both species in the end and increases their chance for survival.
Answer: why it is hard to use dichotomous key in the lab are;
If the organisms you want to use it for are similar.
If you can't see the little characteristics posses by the organisms you are using it for.
If all the pictures does not reveal all the important features of the organisms.
It is very difficult to use it to determine the anatomical structure.
Dichotomous key is an important method that is use in biology to identify organisms by separating or dividing the organisms into two groups. It is a tool created by scientists to help them identify organisms or objects. Once the organisms are group into two, more information is revealed more individually.
Through Polymerization larger molecules are formed.
B- Centrosome
I think this is right but not 100% sure. So sorry if its wrong