1. sensorimotor: from 0-2 yrs old.
2. preoperational: from 2-7 yrs old.
3. concrete operational: 7-11 yrs old.
4. formal operational: 12 yrs old & up
7 votes
After the Persian wars, Athens became the supreme naval power in Grece. It created the Delian League to ward off possible Persian attacks. Athenas ... More
The stage where the flatworm’s contraction response to light
is established and gradually strengthened is called acquisition. Acquisition is
a process where something or an individual acts of having to gain or obtain
something from a particular source or thing that it gained from.
Stagnation is the seventh to the eight stages. It is the eight stage of Erick Erickson's theory of psycho-social development theory. This stage comes in the mid-40s and 50s. When a person feels that he does not contribute to anything in his life then the individual feel stagnant and unproductive in his life. People feel disconnected from society.
Thus here Denise feels unproductive and involved in society because she did not marry and have childless.