Oh sweetheart. Leave the person if you're clearly not in love with them as they are with you. You're only hurting yourself, and that other person. They deserve someone who loves them as much as they love. And so do you! Be with whom you love, and set that other person free. Yes its not going to be easy, but life isn't easy. That's just part of life and growing up.
Definite article is used before a noun (person place or thing) to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader.
indefinite article is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known.
1. During DNA elongation, polymerase enzyme adds new, free nucleotides to the three prime end of the newly forming strand, elongating it in five prime to three prime direction while the telomerase protects the important genes at the end of the chromosome from been deleted as the DNA strand shorten during DNA elongation.
2. During DNA elongation, helicase enzyme separates the double stranded DNA into single strand by melting the hydrogen bond that holds the DNA molecule together thus enabling each strand to be copied while the telomerase acts by preventing the telomere from been deleted during elongation.
C. Florida black bears have less territory and cannot risk a long hibernation.
A. Cohesion is a property of water that describes the attraction due to hydrogen bonding between water molecules.