<span>Enzymes are biological catalysts (they are proteins). Enzymes regulate metabolic pathways in the body.
e.g. Digestive enzymes in your stomach speed up the hydrolysis and breakdown of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the food you consume.</span>
A molecule containing a very large number of atoms, such as a protein, nucleic acid, or synthetic polymer.
C. K- Strategy
this type of strategy involves greater investment from parents into their offspring.
The plant belongs to the group Angiosperm. Vascular plants with seeds could be cycads, Gingko, conifers, or angiosperms. Among those groups, only angiosperms have flowers.
The plant they found have colored, scented flowers which suggests that it could be pollinated by insects or birds. Colored flowers attract birds and insects. Color serves as a guiding mark. Talking of scent, it does not attract bird, but attracts insects. It also serves as the guiding mark.