New speak, It's designed to limit expression , thus to restrict thought .
As stupid people are easily controlled , the ultimate aim is to increase Big brother s tyranny.
The Dream Deferred is now like a heavy and immovable load which symbolizes a sense of hopelessness
so d
The rain how it fell; the cadaver smell
<span>My eyes transfixed on that pit of Hell, </span>
Vapid flesh foul, horrendously bland.
<span>But why this carnage, I don’t understand; </span>
Retching, gagging, holding back the bile.
<span>I turn from the evil to rest for a while, </span>
<span>From decomposing mothers, fathers and child; </span>
Satan’s work, merciless, callously wild.
<span>Laid out in graves grotesquely remorse, </span>
Lucifer’s carnage has taken its course
<span>In a dance of death, contorted and thin, </span>
Thousands of bodies, bound together by skin.
Now sixty years passed, will I ever forget.
<span>That day when in person, with Satan I met; </span>
He showed me firsthand his evil, his sin.
Flames of contempt still burn deep within.
<span>Wise men instruct us ‘we must never, forget’, </span>
<span>Upon the memory of them, ‘let the sun never set’; </span>
<span>For six million Jews paid the ultimate cost, </span>
<span>I know, I was there, at the great Holocaust.
</span><span>Holocaust - Poem by Alf Hutchison</span>