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Achieved Instruction per cycle rate is
As per the question:
Execution time, t = 1.4 s
No. of instructions being executed, n = 1.8 billion =
Clock speed of CPU, f = 3.2 GHz =
Now, to calculate the actual issue rate achieved:
CPI (Cycle per Instruction) =
Instruction per cycle is given as the reciprocal of CPI:
Instruction per cycle =
To make text justified, select and highlight the text first, then hold down Ctrl (the control key) on the keyboard and then press J. To make the text left aligned again, press and hold down Ctrl on the keyboard and press L
ifstream inputFile;
Though, the programming language is not stated, questions like this are often from C++.
The first statement defines the ifstream object using the following syntax.
ifstream [object_name]
In this case, the object name is inputFile
So, the syntax becomes
ifstream inputFile;
The next line opens a file using the following syntax.
Here, object_name is inputFile and filename is Friends.txt
So, the open statement becomes
27 Queues.
Radix sort is an unique sorting algorithm which does not uses comparison.It does so by creating and distributing the elements into a container according to their radix.
In above mentioned question we'll be needing 26 queue for the letters and one queue to store the whole list during,after and before sorting.