If Ken does not account for variables such as age that could also influence one's ability to recall these events, age could be considered a "confounding variable".
A confounding variable is an outside impact that progressions the impact of a dependent and independent variable. This incidental impact is utilized to impact the result of a experimental plan. Basically, a confounding variable is an additional variable went into the condition that was not represented. confounding variables can demolish an examination and deliver futile outcomes. They propose that there are connections when there truly are definitely not.
All of the above.
The concept of Verbal aggressiveness was developed by Dominic Infante.
Verbally Aggressiveness can be defined as a tendency to attack a person's' identity or feelings. A person who is verbally aggressive attack's other person's personality than his/her position with the purpose to give psychological pain.
<u>To avoid such person, according to Dominic Infante, the best method would be as stated in all options. One should not tease, bait, or insult that person because it will make him aggressive and abusive as well. It is good to avoid being in contact with such people who abuse others feelings. And, above all, one should remain quiet and polite while dealing with such a person. It is good not to retaliate to that person's comment</u>.
So, the correct answer is 'all of the above.'
Each Incident Command System (ICS) General Staff is led by a <u>Section Chief</u> his function is to direct all the actions that are necessary to achieve the incidents objectives. Also the section chief, collect all the information, mainly the one referred to the status of the incident and the status of the resources.