SA Node
Inter-nodal Pathways
AV Node
AV Bundle
Bundle Branches
Purkinje Fibers
The SA nodes functions first for setting pace for the heart, then the inter-nodal pathway make link b/w SA and AV node. AV node is site of delay when contraction of atria occurs. AV bundle is the mean of electrical link b/w atria and ventricle. The conveying of impulse to the inter-ventricular septum occurs through bundle branches, while conveying of impulse throughout and along the walls of ventricle occurs through Purkinje fibers.
Only Water, Oxygen, Nitrogen and ammonia
Plant produces glucose in the chloroplast through the process of photosynthesis. Calvin cycle is basically the biological process through which glucose is produced. The steps involved are as follows:
1. Absorbed CO2 is added to RuBP and 6C sugar is formed.
2. Breaking of 6C sugar into two 3-phosphoglycerate molecules
3. ATP gives phosphate group to form 3-phosphoglycerate which is later on converted into 1,3-biphosphoglycerate.
4. Electons are required by 1,3-biphosphoglycerate to an aldehyde called glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate or G3P and these electrons are donated by NADPH
5. Enzyme aldolase uses two molecules of G3P to produce 6 C sugar called fructose-1,6-biphosphate which is further converted to fructose-6-phosphate
6. Enzyme isomerase converts fructose-6-phosphate to glucose-1-phosphate
Increase in carbon dioxide in your red blood cells which causes a drop in PH causes your breathing to speed up. If you hold your breath, rising carbon dioxide blood gas changes first leading to the urge to breathe. Carbon dioxide enters blood at the abdominal organs, hindlimbs, capillaries of the head.
Rickets is a disease of growing bones. Consequently, it usually is seen in young, weaned, growing pigs in which there is a deficiency, an imbalance, or a failure of utilization of calcium, phosphorous or vitamin D. Rickets usually is caused by a dietary deficiency of vitamin D or phosphorus. And Osteoporosis a medical condition in which the bones become brittle and fragile from loss of tissue, typically as a result of hormonal changes, or deficiency of calcium or vitamin D. More than 10 million Americans have osteoporosis, but most do not realize that they have it.
One of the big differences is one occurs mostly to pigs and the other effects adults.Another difference is one occurs while the bones are growing and the other happens after the bones are already grown. I hope this helps!!!