Is based on supply and demand. With little or no government control. Buyers and sellers are allowed to transact freely if on mutual price agreement without state interfering in the form of taxes, subsidies or regulation.
When Europeans began to explore and colonize other parts of the world, smallpox traveled with them. The native people of the Americas, including the Aztecs, were especially vulnerable to smallpox because they'd never been exposed to the virus and thus possessed no natural immunity.
The answer is Characteristic #7: External Support and Recognition.
This characteristic states that workers will be motivated by the recognition of their efforts. Precisely the three examples mentioned in the paragraph are the ones that Larson and LaFasto describe in this characteristic:
Teams are given:
- Material resources given to o their jobs.
- Recognition for team accomplishments.
- Team rewards.
ecological validity.
Ecological validity: The term ecological validity is defined as the limit or extent to which a particular findings of specific research study can be generalized into real-life settings. If the ecological validity of a particular study is considered to be high then it is believed that the behavior being recorder from the research can be applied in day to day life and it signifies that the result is considered to be as useful.
In the question above, the approach emphasizes the ecological validity.