Answer: boiling pasta for dinner, watering the front lawn, washing clothes at the laundromat, brushing teeth before bed
Water is an important resource, being an universal solvent it dissolves substances in it. It exhibit a low boiling point and high heat retention capacity. The following are some ways water is used inside and around the home. Boiling pasta for dinner this occurs due to low boiling point and high heat retention capacity. Watering the front lawn is necessary so as to decrease the temperature around the home this will provide a cooling effect. Washing clothes at the laundromat, it requires water as water is a universal polar solvent it dissolves the dirt and dust from the clothes. Brushing teeth before bed this way water will help in cleaning up of mouth by removing the left food particles and mouth bacteria.
In the early stages the embryos of four different species will look the same .For example, fish embryos and human embryos both have gill slits. In fish they develop into gills, but in humans they disappear before birth. That what makes them different.