The 3rd one
Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works; and symbols, names and images used in commerce. Intellectual property is divided into two categories: Industrial Property includes patents for inventions, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications.
Answer: C
Check for OS updates
The freezing could be a result of an Operating system (OS) problem that was already fixed with the latest update. Check for uninstalled update in your phone's settings to make sure the device is not missing any vital stability update.
OS updates are basically for correcting any vulnerabilities or discovered errors in every operating system.
Documents. Note that electronic document is a type of media too.
file_name = 'orders.txt'
file_obj = open( file_name, 'r' )
lines =
print(lines.upper(), end = '')
- Define the name of the file
- Use the built-in open function to open the file in read mode
- Use the built-in read function to read the file and assign this to lines variable.
- Finally display the lines by converting them to capital alphabets by using the built-in upper() function.