When a muscle contracts, a bone will move. When a bone contracts, a muscle will move. ... When a ligament contracts, a tendon will move.
1 Photosynthesis uses CO2 and expels O2 and the reverse for respiration
2. stratosphere where ~90% of it is
3. Less infrared radiation is able to escape from the earth into space and that infrared radiation hits the GHG gases and the radiation is turned into kinetic or heat energy trapping which warms up the earth
Caffeine works as an adenosine receptor antagonists, this essentially means that it works in the opposite manner or works against the receptor. Think of antagonist in the term of literature it goes against the agonist. Adenosine when bond to the receptor causes tiredness, this is the reason why people drink caffeine to stay wake and to prevent cognitive decline from exhaustion. So caffeine doesn’t really effect learning or memory to a large extent like other stimulants do. So basically caffeine increases wakefulness which in turn allows a person to focus longer, slight increase in memory, and more of a sorted out thought process.
A. A steep slope has a higher rate of soil erosion than a rate of soil formation.
Divergent boundaries also form volcanic islands, which occur when the plates move apart to produce gaps that molten lava rises to fill. Current research indicates that complex convection within the Earth's mantle allows material to rise to the base of the lithosphere beneath each divergent plate boundary.