1, 4 & 6 are likely to be correct
1 When the target group is American adults, who very often have landline telephones and cellphones, it can be argued that including them will be more accurate.
4 This may be true; I can imagine that there are people, socioeconomically different, who don´t have (access to) landline phones.
6. Birthday doesn´t have anything to do with age, as suggested in nr. 5 and nr. 7. Birthyear does. The selection of most recent birthday in a household is a good way of selecting at random.
2, 3 and 8 are statements that don´t have any scientifical reasoning.
The health promotion model (HPM)
The health promotion model (HPM) is a concept that was first proposed by Nola Pender in 1982. This model was revolutionary in medical research and practice because it provided a completely new way of thinking about health. In this model, Pender argues that health cannot be simply defined as the absence of disease. Instead, it is a condition that can be seen as a dynamic state. Therefore, medical practitioners should not only concern themselves with getting rid of disease, but should also focus in increasing a client's well-being.
He was the king of Prussia at the time. And he made the gaverment more efficient. Which meant more power for him.... so self center. lol
Communist states in the east