Birds have a different mating season this evidence will go against the argument and suggest that the birds are actually different species. Generally, two factors seasonal and behavioral identifies the differences among the species. Species generally interbred among the same population of species according to the season and hence they loose mating opportunities. Although being sexually compatible they do not interbreed. Behaviorally, a biological clock in species naturally sets breeding cycle according to the resources availability, suitable nesting sites and mating opportunities. Different species have different seasonal requirements to accomplish this.
4-2 years that is how long they can live
Answer: Receptor protein.
The receptor protein on the cell surface would enable a cell to respond to glucagon. The glucagon binds to the GPCR on the liver and muscle cells and is known as glucagon receptor.
This receptor then stimulates cells to release glucose into the blood stream. Another hormones involved during this process is glucagon like peptide 1.
It works by binding to another GPCR which is GLP-1 receptor found on the pancreatic cells.
Wound healing the natural way the body heals or restores broken tissues due to injury. Wound healing consists of four phases: hemostasis, inflammation, proliferation and maturation. During the proliferation stage, epithelialization, fibroplasia and angiogenesis occur during this stage. This is the stage wherein the growth of new tissue occurs.