1. Even though more than 500 years have passed, the native people of the Americas are still often referred to as “Indians”
2. Many Native American tribes consider the eagle to be sacred.
"Mohawk" means "man-eaters"
3. Totem poles often depict animals that are special to the family.
i personally dont understand the 2 other questions but number 4 is adjective. composed of many interconnected parts; compound; composite: a complex highway system. characterized by a very complicated or involved arrangement of parts, units, etc.: complex machinery. so complicated or intricate as to be hard to understand or deal with: a complex problem
5. A complex society is characterized by features such as: State with a large population wherein its economy is structured according to specialization and a division of labor. ... Large scale agricultural development, which allows members of society time for specialized skill sets. Organized political structure.
6. simple society. the least internally differentiated, and earliest, form(s) of human societies. Along with PRIMITIVE SOCIETY, one of a number of terms used to refer to such societies, and less pejorative than alternatives, its use reflects an evolutionary view of human societies.
7. Simple societies take refuge in the marginal land, where intensification is infeasible. Simple and complex societies coexist, separated by a moving frontier. In an ebb and flow, complex societies expand to the marginal land and withdraw to the core land.
7. We present a spatial agent-based model of the emergence and proliferation of premodern complex societies in an isolated region initially inhabited by simple societies. At the intrasocietal level, the model integrates scalar stress, social fission, sociocultural evolution, societal collapse, and Malthusian-Ricardian demographic dynamics. At the geographical level, the model includes warfare for territory and captives, territorial division due to social conflict, and territorial disintegration due to collapse. We found that a single variable---slow, continuous progress in intensive agriculture---drives the social and geographical dynamics. Consistent with the archaeological and historical record, the model produced three consecutive "eras": During the first era, simple societies dominate the region. They use extensive food production methods. Small complex societies of intensive agriculturists emerge intermittently in the core land, where intensification is feasible. Shortly after, they collapse or are annihilated by local simple societies. During the second era, some complex societies avert early collapse and annihilation. They expand by conquest. At all times, they coexist with simple societies. Some complex societies are destroyed in war; others collapse. From time to time, complex societies collapse en masse. During the third era, there are no more mass collapses. Complex societies slowly expand until they dominate the core land. Simple societies take refuge in the marginal land, where intensification is infeasible. Simple and complex societies coexist, separated by a moving frontier. In an ebb and flow, complex societies expand to the marginal land and withdraw to the core land. The results of the simulations are qualitatively consistent with prehistorical and historical case studies. The model replicates the progression from simple to more complex societies, and explains why that progression happened in fits and starts.
8. A complex society is characterized by features such as:
State with a large population wherein its economy is structured according to specialization and a division of labor. ...
Archaeologically, features such as big architectural projects and prescribed burial rites.
9. The purpose of maintaining social order is for having legal rights amongst all people and not having one right over one race or religion and also having equality amongst all U.S citizens.
i really hoped this helped i typed alot heheh.