Imply means to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly.
Anita probably said: "I'm hungry, I would like to eat something cold". Or maybe she said: "It's been months since last time I've eaten an ice cream!" In those ways, she suggested eating an ice cream without saying it literally.
Exposure of the bananas to the apple (and its ethylene) instigated their ripening.
A truck driver is transporting a load of unripe bananas in an airtight vehicle and decides to stop and eat an apple after checking on his cargo. He opens the back of his truck and, while walking around the unripe bananas, he decides the apple is overripe and drops it in the truck. When the bananas are finally delivered days later, he is surprised to find that all of his bananas have ripened. This is because the EXPOSURE OF THE BANANAS TO THE APPLE (AND ITS ETHYLENE) INSTIGATED THEIR RIPENING
Built-in reactions to stimuli that govern an infant's actions are known as reflexes.
Reflexes are spontaneous and involuntary actions - they occur when you are suddenly scared (for example, of someone hitting you), or when you experience sharp pain (for example, touching a hot stove) - you will usually quickly flinch on an impulse thanks to these reflexes.