Answer:starting most lines with the same word repeated words
Forests are a great element to the wilderness. However, like most things in America, the wilderness can become a promoted as a business. That's because, maintaining this forest comes with a budget and expenses frequently. Prices for visiting some forests can be reasonable, while others are not. It comes with many activities, for example, if the forest is near a mountain, you may see people parachute though it's pretty dangerous. When visiting a forest, you may need some equipment. To go on such a venture, you may need a few items. Things like water, neosporin, snacks, and a bag are important resources for your trip to the forest.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Commencement Speech to the American University... From my poetry and years before when I began writing stories as a kid in little notebooks. ... And spellings, which means the text messages don't count. ... When you've been immersed in reading here at the AU for the last few years.