Honestly all of those could be a reason for a fight. sometimes people want ti just pick fights for no reason. others pretend to be angry because their friend is angry and they just want attention. in other cases one event could cause a huge fight like spilling your bffs secrets or getting others to turn against your bff. the most common is a leading series of events that can cause a fight. actions may have hurt others who were holding in how the felt until just snapping one day. so honestly the last on emakes the most sense
Assess fetal heart sounds
The client's membrane had just ruptured and her fetus is breeching, its a condition in which the bottom portion of fetus comes out first instead of his head. So, in that condition the prolapse of umbilical cord could occur, it is a condition in which uterus is not supported by the pelvic muscles and ligaments and thus slips towards vagina. In that condition continuously check fetus heart rate and conditions and prefer cesarean instead of normal delivery.