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An open-source physical computing platform that can take input from a variety of switches or sensors to control physical objects is known as Arduino.
Arduino means an electronics prototyping system is built to simplify microcontroller projects. The concept is to product these projects without having to know much about microcontrollers or programming, microcontrollers for dummies is one tips of explaining Arduino. Arduino has function to control of traffic lights, it can also be used for the real time control system with programmable timings, pedestrian lighting etc. Arduino can respond with buttons, LEDs, motors, speakers, GPS units, cameras, the internet, and even your smart-phone or your TV.
Learn more about Arduino at
Java Applets are used to include java programs on web page.
Java Applets are small java programs that can be run on any browser with appropriate Java Plug-in and displays applet as a section of web page.
How to Create Applet
Create an applet class by extending it with JApplet and add a paint method in it. for example
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
public class HelloWorld extends JApplet {
public void paint(Graphics graphic)
The above code will create an applet and super.paint(graphic) method will draw the applet for you.
In order to display "Hello World" string in applet. you just need to add the following line after super.paint(graphic); method.
graphic.drawString("Hello World" , 20, 20);
Run Code
Click on Run Button and you will able to see the applet in applet viewer window.
Series Circuit
A <em>series circuit</em> is a connection configuration in which the terminals or terminals of the devices (generators, resistors, capacitors, inductors, switches, light buls, among others) are connected successively, that is, the output terminal of a device is connected to the input terminal of the next device.
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