Player Unknown’s battle Ground acronym by PUBG was released on Xbox One in march of 2018.
Further explanation:
The updates in PUBG server are as below:
1. Now, you can add 50 people in your friend list of PUBG.
2. Voice chat in main menu feature is added.
3. Added PUBG friend list
4. The speaker icon will be displayed on the right side of the player’s name in the voice chat.
5. Also, you can chat with your team members in the main menu.
6. It is not necessary to be friends on steam to be friends in PUBG.
7. Friend list is not a mutual acceptance between players. It has one way follower concepts.
The other official changes are as below:
Server Optimization:
- Server network performance is optimized.
- Vehicle physics is optimized under a certain speed.
Client Optimization:
- Optimizing the buildings in Erangel to reduce burden on GPU
- The effects at the start and the end are optimized.
- Input lag is reduced to improve the real time response.
- Mitigated the map loading process.
Learn more:
1. How does coding work on computers?
2. Prediction accuracy of a neural network depends on _______________ and ______________.
Answer details:
Grade: College Engineering
Subject: Computer Science
Topic: Gaming Software
PUBG, GPU, friend, list, optimize, reduce, performance, server, vehicle, players, team, members, voice, chat, Xbox One