not sure exactly what you're asking but basically it's the right to remain silent because anything that is said can be used against you and you have the right to have an attorney
it takes a lot of training
1) a situation in which human wants are greater than the capacity of available resources to provide for those wants
2)a situation in which a resource has more than one valuable use
Under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution, Congress has the power "to make all Laws which shallbe necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by thisConstitution in the Government of theUnited States, or any Department or Officer thereof".
(Hint: Students do not have a First Amendment right to make obscene speeches in school.)
Matthew N. Fraser, a student at Bethel High School, was suspended for three days for delivering an obscene and provocative speech to the student body. In this speech, he nominated his fellow classmate for an elected school office. The Supreme Court held that his free speech rights were not violated.