A. Petrified
<span>Petrified wood (from the Greek root petro meaning "rock" or "stone"; literally "wood turned into stone") is the name given to a special type of fossilized remains of terrestrial vegetation. ... A forest where such material has petrified becomes known as a petrified forest.</span>
Born in the France revolution, realism rejected the assertions of idealism and naturalism that enveloped man decisions in a non verifiable idealistic environment of predestination. realism embraced life as it is in its crude and fine forms, postulating that mankind was in control of his destiny and that he/she is superior to all the circumstances he face.
Answer: Unconditioned Stimulus
B) Conditioned Stimulus
In Classical conditioning, learning occurs when a neutral stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus, the neutral stimulus becomes a conditioned stimulus which can bring about conditioned responses.
For example, unconditioned stimulus (food) is presented repeatedly just after the presentation of the neutral stimulus (bell). After conditioning, the neutral stimulus alone produces a conditioned response (salivation), thereby becoming a conditioned stimulus. From this example, if a dog salivates whenever it sees food but a bell is rung before the food is presented, Overtime just ringing the bell will make the dog to salivate.
The 27th Amendment States that "No law varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives shall take effect, until an election of Representatives shall have intervened."
This was created to keep Congress from giving themselves a pay raise while in the term.
A divergent plate boundary