The Australoid Adivasis are among the oldest Indians of them all, they arrived in India in 60,000 BC. But they were preceded by the Negrito ancestors of the Andamese, who were in Uttar Pradesh as early as 85,000 BC.
Historians such as Edmund Morgan say this evidence suggests that racial attitudes were much more flexible in early 17th-century Virginia than they would later become. A 1625 census recorded 23 Africans in Virginia. In 1649 there were 300, and in 1690 there were 950.
The reason for this is because the Monte Alban pyramid complex was completely abandoned by the year 1000 AD due to socio-economic problems. In fact, wealth disparity and the over exploitation of natural resources were the two primary causes of the decline of all of the ancient civilization.
Beacause of alexander Jit watchu mean he been is spread hellbistic culture