I know that they are hunted with Whale oil
The vacuole. Large in plant cells but small in animal cells
The answer is C
Weather changes and it is recorded daily
every day we have different weather (btw)
A. Erosion from wind, water, or ice removes crustal material.
Plain formation can occur in many different ways some plates some planes can form as wind, water and ice erode wear away or remove dirt and rocks on higher land.
Wind picks up and carries along small particles which can be abrasive against surfaces, slowly wearing them away to form more particles. The water and ice transport the fragments of rock and dirt as sediment down hillsides, where it is eventually deposited. This occurs until several layers of sediment are accumulated. Plains can also form at the bases of mountains where water carries a flow of sentiments downhill to flat areas where it further spreads out to deposit the sediment in a fan shape -this is called an alluvial plain.