Answer:“The Grass divides as with a Comb—”
Mrs. Nathan is thi( as a brick
You see, If that b##ty longer than <u>7 inches</u> than that means that person is thi(. And If your like me I already Hitt Mrs. Nathan and it was good. So in conclusion, she is mighty thi(.
Dear (insert name you want to use here.),
I am so sorry about your hand. I hope it feels better soon, and that you can get back to cooking since you love it so much. I also wanted to say that when you start cooking again you should try to sell some, I have a friend who is looking for a baker and chef. I immedaitley recommended you, because I know it is your dream job. I want you to know that just because you have a hurt hand for now, doesn't mean you aren't as strong as you were the day before. To be honest you are getting stronger. I bet that you are looking for recipes right now to do as soon as your healed. Have a nice day, and get better soon.
Your friend,
(Insert name you want to use here.)
In the explanation
If you are used to leaving the lights on, the fan on, or the water running then that could pose a big problem when you have to pay bills, because you are paying more than you normally would.