Select "flight number", origin, destination, format(fl_orig_time, 'HH:mm' ) as "Departure Time", format(fl_dest_time, 'HH:mm') as "Arrival Time" from table_name order by flight_number
The script is used to select records from the table named 'table_name' and formatted to 24hr time format with the hour in capital letters (signifying 24 hrs). Then the inverted comma used for flight number is due to the space character ebtween the two words. In a select statement, order by comes after the table name. While as is used as an alias for a column in a table.
Applying potential difference to a conductor, by potential force, free electrons gain energy and move from low to high potential. Thus, electrons move from one atom to another.
The time complexity of the code is O(log₇n).
The i is updated by 7*i.On each iteration i is multiplied by 7.So on finding the time complexity of the code given above it will come out to be log base 7.
When we divide the input by 2 the time complexity is log base 2.
So on dividing it by 7 we get the time complexity of log base 7.
Boot Sector Virus
A malicious software or malware is an executable line of code, programmed by a cybercriminal for ill intentions. There are many types of malware namely; viruses, rootkit, keylogger, trojan horse etc.
A boot sector virus is a kind of malware that runs before the operating system, affecting the boot sector of the hard disk, so even when a linux live cd is running as the operating system, the virus is still active.