POP3 protocol is an email protocol that works by downloading and storing emails onto a user's device or tablet.
They acknowledge the source of a quotation, paraphrase, or summary; and (2) They provide explanatory comments that would interrupt the flow of the main its B
// Making a function that will take a integer as argument and return print the code
void Print(int statuscode){
// starting the switch statement on the interger sent
case 200: // for case 200
cout << "Ok,Fullfilled"<< endl;
case 403: // for case 403
cout << "Forbidden" << endl;
case 404: // for case 404
cout << "Not Found" <<endl;
case 500: // for case 500
cout << "Server Error "<< endl;
default: // default case
cout << " Wrong code"<<endl;
You can try downloading some kind of computer cleaner like CleanMyMac X free version, also definitely restart your computer if you haven't done so already.