You could generate cDNA libraries and compare the transcribed regions of the genome
Based on the information provided within the question it can be said that one possible main explanation is that a female zebra finch that chooses a mate that resembles her father is more likely to reproduce successfully.
This is due to the fact that they have seen this ornament as a symbol of the male becoming a father thus being more likely to reproduce successfully.
I believe that the correct answer is A
Humoral immunity:
Humoral immunity is mediated by the macromolecules present in the extracellular fluid. This immunity provides protection against the pathogens present in the extracellular fluid. B- cells are mainly produced by the humoral immunity. The plasma cell and memory cells are generated in the human body. Antibodies kill the pathogens in humoral immunity.
Cell mediated immunity:
Cell mediated immunity is activated by the infected cells. This immunity provides protection against intracellular pathogens. T- cells are mainly produced by cell mediated immunity. T helper cells and T killer cells are mainly produced in the cell mediated immunity. Cytokines kill the pathogens in case of cell mediated immunity.
The answer is theory development.
That's it because if you were a scientist, you couldn't collect data if you were forming a theory. I mean, how would you create a theory if you haven't even collected any data?!?!
That's my answer for ya!